
The Price of a Prank Chapter 2

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Sirius spent the day wandering the grounds, even daring to enter the Forbidden Forest. His fear of facing Remus was too great to allow him to return to the castle, even for meals. As soon as the sun settled into the horizon, Sirius finally crept back inside. Another detention wouldn't do him much good.

No one gave him a second glance as he entered the Gryffindor common room. Apparently no one knew about what had happened the night before. Entering his own room, however, was a different story.

Peter and James looked up from their studies as soon as the door opened. Sirius didn't look at them, but went straight to his bed and began unloading his books from his book bag.

"And where have you been?" James had slid off his bed and was facing Sirius with folded arms.


"Why didn't you go to the infirmary today? Rem was freaking out when we came! He thought he'd killed you when you didn't come with us."

A guilty look crossed Sirius' face. "I needed some time to think."

"And that was more important than getting things right with one of your best friends?"

Sirius didn't answer. James started to speak again, but caught sight of Peter motioning for him to be quiet. James shook his head in disgust and went back to his bed.

There was silence in the room until Sirius got in bed and pulled his curtains shut. "Listen," Peter began, whispering quietly. "Rem will be back tomorrow. The two of them will make up then."

"I sure hope so." James muttered.

"Of course they will." Peter said confidently. "We're the Marauders. Nothing will break us apart."

James shook his head, a small smile appearing on his face. "I'm glad one of us is confident." The two boys followed Sirius' example, turning off their lights and drawing their curtains shut. The room lay silent for a long time afterwards, each lost in their own thoughts, unable to sleep.

When Remus was released from the infirmary the next morning, he went to breakfast early in order to get some homework done, and hoping to avoid Sirius as well. Once the initial shock of the recent events had lessened, a surge of anger had begun building inside him. He knew that he'd have to confront Sirius eventually, but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to control himself when he did.

The Great Hall was empty except for a few students scattered among the tables, and a couple professors at the head table, who were half eating and half keeping an eye on the rest of the hall.

Remus found a place apart from the other students and flipped open his Potions book. Every once in while he glanced around to make sure none of the Marauders had arrived. Finally, once the incoming flow of students grew a little stronger, Remus knew it was time to leave. He fled the hall, hiding himself in the library until it was time for his first class. He dreaded attending classes because all of the Marauders had their classes together that day.

Remus got to Transfiguration early, grabbed a seat near the front of the room, and began to review the day's lesson from his book. He heard his peers come in, chattering loudly and tossing their books on their desks. He didn't look up until James slid into the seat next to him. Peter and Sirius took the desk to his right, across the aisle. Remus studied the arrangement curiously. James and Sirius pretty much always shared a desk. James caught his look and shrugged, looking slightly uncomfortable.

James continued to pair himself with Remus throughout the day and for the next week, while Peter stayed with Sirius. Conversation was awkward between the four, with James and Peter speaking with forced cheerfulness, trying to act normal, and Remus and Sirius barely saying a word to anyone.

Remus grew more and more tense with each passing day, becoming angrier at Sirius for ignoring him and more irritated at his friends' watchful eyes on him. He could sense Peter and James' wariness and concern every time they looked at him, which was often. Sirius, however, never once looked at Remus, growing more withdrawn, as if he could feel his friend's anger.

By the time their last class of the week arrived, Remus was at an exploding point. The four were in Potions class, listening to Professor Slughorn describe the potion they were going to be making that period. Remus was barely listening, willing himself not spring at Sirius and demand answers from him. James poked him in the side, and Remus turned on him with such a fierce look that James flinched.

"He just told us to start with the potion, mate." James said cautiously.

Remus looked embarrassed. "Sorry." He opened his book and pulled the ingredients toward him, forcing his concentration onto the assignment. He was able to lose himself in his work until he happened to glance up and see Sirius watching him. Remus was vaguely aware of a shattering noise and James leaping out of his seat. He broke Sirius' gaze only when Professor Slughorn appeared by his desk.

"Remus, my boy! What happened?!"

Remus became conscious of a pain in his left hand and looked down to see the shattered remains of a glass beaker clutched in his bleeding hand.

"I…I don't know Sir."

"It must have been weakened or something and just exploded when we put the liquid in." James suggested.

"That's possible." Slughorn said vaguely. "But what was in it? Nothing too deadly, I hope."

"No Professor, just boiled mandrake juice." James answered. Remus just sat staring at the shards of glass in his hand.

"Very well, very well. You'd better go up to Madam Pomfrey and have that looked at, my boy. Looks like you've cut and burned yourself. Do you need someone to go with you?"

"No, Sir. I'll be fine." Remus rose from his seat, ignoring his classmates' stares.

"Go on then. Don't worry about coming back to class if you don't feel up to it."

"Thank you, Sir." Remus walked out of the classroom, carefully cradling his injured hand with his other.

The sound of running footsteps echoed in the corridor behind him. Peter appeared at his side, carrying the books and supplies he had left behind, looking at him anxiously. "What happened, Rem?"

"Nothing. Just like James said, the beaker must have been faulty or something."

"You broke it, didn't you?"

Remus sighed. "I didn't mean to, alright? It just sort of…happened."

"Yeah, when you were giving Sirius the death look. He didn't mean to hurt you, you know. He just didn't think. That's what he…"

"I know!" Remus snapped. "I'm not mad at him! I'm fine!" He glared so fiercely at his friend that a flicker of fear shone in Peter's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Pete." Remus turned his attention to his wounded hand. "I'm just a little stressed, that's all." The two walked in silence together to the infirmary.

Madam Pomfrey tsked as she looked at Remus' hand. In response to her questioning, Remus simply told her that a beaker exploded, which she seemed to accept. Peter sat quietly by his side until Madam Pomfrey was finished. By that time, Potions had ended, and the two friends headed up to Gryffindor tower.

Remus was furious with himself for losing his grip during Potions. He should know enough to control himself. He continued to silently berate himself, barely noticing when he entered his room. Sirius and James were sitting on Sirius's bed and talking in low tones when he and Peter walked in. The two fell silent almost immediately, a guilty look crossing Sirius' face as he met Remus' glance. He turned away and began to flip through a book.

An uncontrollable fury flared up in Remus as Sirius continued to ignore him. He slammed the door shut, causing it to splinter in several places. His friends were looking at him in alarm. Both James and Sirius were standing now, and Peter had slid his hand in his pocket to draw his wand.

"You." Remus growled, staring at a clearly uncomfortable Sirius. "What. Have. You. Done."


"Do you know what could have happened as a result of your stupidity? Do you know the trouble you have gotten me into?"

"Rem, I…"

"Do you want me dead, Black, is that it?! You and your pure blood prejudices! Exterminate the werewolf and your worst rival in one blow! I should have guessed I was nothing more to you than a weapon…than something to entertain yourself with every full moon!"

"No!" Now Sirius was angry. "I'm not like that! If you would just listen…"

"I am through listening!" Remus drew his wand and pointed it at Sirius. "You think I should just forgive you for nearly signing my death warrant. You. Just. Don't. Get it."

All of the Marauders had their wands out now. "Remus," James said in a soothing voice. "Calm down. Sirius has already apologized."

But Remus was beyond controlling himself. He could feel the wolf in him rising up, taking over him in a way he'd only felt during his transformations. Growling, he took a step toward Sirius.

"Rem! Control yourself!" James shouted, moving between the two wizards.

Remus shoved James aside and flew at Sirius. Driving him to the floor, Remus' only thought was to destroy his friend. James broke into their fight, throwing Remus off Sirius. Remus tried again to get at Sirius, but was blocked by James. The wolf in Remus was furious at being thwarted, and knocked James aside, causing him to cry out in pain. In mid leap at Sirius, Remus heard Peter shout something and felt his spell stop him, throwing him into a wall, and causing him to crash to the floor with a sickening thud.

The room was silent except for the ragged breaths of the people in the room. Remus was motionless on the floor, fully conscious, but with his eyes closed. He lay with his face pressed against the rough wooden floor, his mind once again restored to sanity. Fear and horror gripped him as he realized what he had just done. He had given in to the wolf and nearly destroyed one of his best friends. He had lost control

Remus opened his eyes and forced himself to his knees. A yelp of pain escaped him as his head throbbed sharply. He felt a trickle of blood run down the side of his face, but made no move to wipe it away. He sat gasping for breath before he finally looked up to meet his friends' eyes.

Peter stood with his wand pointed at him, face pale. James was kneeling on the floor across the room, his face twisted with pain, one arm clutching his side. Sirius was sitting against a wall with fear on his face and several deep scratches where Remus had managed to hit him.

No one said anything as Remus forced himself to his feet. Peter kept his wand trained on his friend, and Sirius kept staring at him, looking slightly dazed. James attempted to rise as well, but fell back with a cry of pain. When Peter turned to him in concern, Remus took the opportunity to flee. He threw open the door and rushed through the common room, startling his fellow Gryffindors.

Remus ran blindly through the halls, ignoring the surprised looks people gave him. He ran trying to escape the fear and horror building inside him. He ran through passageways and stairwells, running until he could run no more. He found himself in a little used part of Hogwarts, in a small circular room. A single shattered window illuminated the tiny stone room; if Remus looked outside, the window was just level with the ground. A cool breeze blew the dry leaves on the floor, which crackled as he walked to the window and sat under it.

He buried his face in his arms and tried to hold back his tears. No wonder his friends had been keeping such a close eye on him. They had been waiting for something like this to happen. They were right to fear him. He was nothing more than a monster.

The boy lay curled up in the empty room for the rest of the evening and throughout the night, with only the moonlight and his darkened thoughts for company.

As soon as Remus had run out of the room, the rest of the Marauders just looked at each other in shock. Peter knelt by James' side, with Sirius quickly joining him.

"What hurts, James?" Peter asked gently.

"My side," James gasped. "I think I broke something."

"We've got to get you to Madam Pomfrey, mate." Sirius said. "Can you stand?"

"If you help me, I think I'll make it." James nearly fell back with pain when he stood, but with Sirius' help he was able to stay upright. "What about you?" James looked at his friend's torn clothing and bleeding scratches. "You ok?"

"Fine." Sirius shrugged. All of his anger had disappeared. "I think I deserved that."

"If you can take James to the infirmary, I can clean up here." Peter offered, gesturing to the mess they had made during their fight.

"Great." Sirius said. "We'll be back in a bit."

The two Gryffindors made their way slowly to the infirmary, getting plenty of curious looks on their way, especially from the other Gryffindors who had just seen Remus dash through the common room.

Madam Pomfrey threw up her hands as soon as they walked in. "You again?! I swear, I've treated more of your little group in the past three days than I have in the last month!" Despite her apparent irritation, she gently led James to a bed and assessed his wounds with concern.

"Two broken ribs." She announced, shaking her head. "I don't suppose you'd care to explain what you've been up to this time, Mr. Potter?"

James shook his head, grinning painfully. "Not really."

Madam Pomfrey just sighed and healed him in a few seconds with her wand. She tried to take care of Sirius' injuries, but he politely refused.

"They're not that bad. I'll just let them heal on their own." He said, waving away her concern.

The two went back to their room once James had had some time to rest. "Why didn't you want to be healed, mate?" James asked curiously. "You could end up with scars."

Sirius looked at him solemnly. "I almost hope they do scar. They'll remind me of how much my stupidity almost cost." He smiled wryly. "I think getting knocked to the floor knocked some sense into my thick head. I've really been selfish haven't I? I've only been thinking of myself and not about how Rem felt. I just hope he'll forgive me."

"I'm sure he will." James said kindly. "But he was wrong to attack you like that."

"Well now we both have something to forgive." Sirius said, smiling wearily.

James and Sirius met Peter in their room, which was once again in order.

"Any sign of Rem?" Peter asked.

The others shook their heads. "I've never seen him lose control like that." James said worriedly. "First the beaker this morning, then attacking Padfoot. He completely lost it!"

"Do you think we should look for him?" Peter asked uncertainly. "If he's still…mental, he might do a lot of harm. Not to mention that Snape could use that as another event against him. Or someone else might guess his secret."

"I think his mind is back." Sirius said slowly. "When he got up from the floor he just looked…horrified. And afraid. Not mental."

"Still." James said. "We'd better see if we can find him. He might need our help."

"Should we tell Dumbledore?" Peter asked as the three headed for the door.

The other two hesitated and look at each other briefly. "No." James said finally. "We don't want to get Rem into any more trouble." The others nodded in agreement, and the three headed out to do their search.

The three tried to search inconspicuously, but it grew harder for them to hide their panic as their search continued to prove fruitless. It was James who suddenly stopped them and pointed out that they had their map. Moaning over their forgetfulness, they rushed back to their room and pulled it out.

James pointed his wand at it and was about to say the password when Peter suddenly stopped them.

"Wait a minute," he said. "What if Rem wants to be alone? Maybe he just needs some time to pull himself together."

James and Sirius looked at each other. "We'll just check to make sure he's ok." James decided. The map revealed the tiny dot of Remus Lupin alone in an empty room.

"Well, there he is." James sighed. "He looks ok, I guess."

Sirius looked uncertain. "What if he's not?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine." James answered, a hint of doubt in his voice. "Anyway, he'll be back before curfew tonight. He's never been back late before. And when he comes back," he continued. "We'll give him all the space he needs."

But Remus didn't turn up for curfew. Much to the concern of his friends, he didn't turn up at all that night. The three Marauders sat up waiting for the lycan to return, stopping their vigil only when sleep claimed them.

Sirius woke up the next morning, trying to remember why he was still dressed in his robes. The sight of Remus' still empty bed reminded him.

"Merlin!" he groaned, rolling out of bed. James stirred at his exclamation and blearily peered at his friend as he struggled to put his glasses on.

"Remus back yet?"


"Merlin!" James echoed his friend's exclamation.

"I'm going after him." Sirius declared, futilely attempting to smooth the wrinkles out of his robes.

James pulled out the map and examined it. "He hasn't moved since last night. Do you think he's ok?" he asked in concern.

"That's what I'm going to find out." Sirius said grimly, taking the map from James.

"Want us to come too?"

Sirius turned back from the door. "No. This is just between the two of us. It's something only we can fix."

James nodded in understanding. "Good luck, mate."

"Thanks." Sirius left Gryffindor tower, examining the map and trying to find out how to reach his friend.

Sirius found himself walking down a spiral staircase in an isolated part of the castle. A small round room faced him at the bottom. A quick glance around showed him his friend curled up underneath a small window.

Sirius bit his lip uncertainly as he watched his sleeping friend. Rem looked so sad, even in his sleep. As Sirius looked at the lycan, he seemed to see the lonely and isolated boy he'd befriended so many years before.

He took a step into the room, his feet crunching on dried leaves. Remus' eyes snapped open and he sprung to his feet in a sort of crouch up against the wall. His eyes widened slightly as he saw Sirius. The two stood looking at each other, then Remus slid down the wall and sat on the cold stone, turning his head away from Sirius.

"Moony?" Sirius walked tentatively toward his friend. Remus didn't answer. Sirius sat down beside him and sighed. "Hey, listen to me for a moment will you?" Remus turned his head a fraction of an inch in Sirius' direction. "I'm sorry. I was an idiot. I should have thought through the possible consequences of telling Snape. I was wrong to avoid you and act like you didn't have a reason to be mad at me. That was cowardly…not at all like the Gryffindor I'm supposed to be." He shoved his dark hair back from his face. "I know that doesn't begin to cover what I did, but it's all I can say. Will you please forgive me? Can we please be friends again?"

Remus shook his head slightly. Sirius' face fell. "I know it may take you a while to trust me again, but…"

"It's not because of you." Remus still didn't face his friend. "It's because of me. Snape was right." Remus said, his hoarse voice so quiet Sirius could barely hear him.

"What do you mean?"

"I am a monster."

"No you're not! You're…"

"I am." Remus finally turned and looked at his friend. His hair was disheveled and had a few leaves caught in it. His brown eyes looked like he had spent half the night in tears. "You saw what happened. I nearly killed you. I hurt James and would have hurt you if Pete hadn't…" he shook his head. "And I would've killed Snape if James hadn't been there. I'm too dangerous to be your friend. It would be best if the Ministry did get a hold of me and…"

"No!" Sirius broke in. "Don't say that! You're not a monster! So you lost control once! You had perfectly good reason to be mad. I deserved to get beaten for once."

"You don't understand, do you?" Remus looked at Sirius incredulously. "I nearly killed you. I wanted to kill you. The wolf wanted to destroy you, Sirius. How can you say you still want to be my friend?"

Sirius looked at him for a second, then replied, "Well, I nearly got you killed. So I guess we're even." He gave the lycan a small smile. "We've been friends too long to let this come between us. I don't want to go without one of my best friends for the rest of my life. Please forgive me, Rem."

Remus nodded slightly. "If you can ever forgive me."

"Of course. And whatever Snape says, you're not a monster. Remember that, ok Moony?"

Rem smiled slightly. "Thanks, Padfoot. Are James and Peter mad at me?"

"Nope. Just worried."

Remus ran a hand through his hair. "I guess I gave them quite a scare, huh?"

"Yeah. Especially when you didn't show up before curfew last night. That was scarier than werewolf attack."

Remus chuckled softly and leaned his head back against the wall, a slight smile on his face. The two friends sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company again.

"I guess we'd better head back to the tower." Sirius said finally. "The others will be waiting for us."

Remus nodded and got to his feet and the two headed back to their room.

Peter and James looked up as the door opened, relief appearing on their faces as their two friends walked in together.

"Glad to see you two made up." James said with a smile.

"Yep." Sirius said with his usual cheerful smile. "Everything is good again."

"Hold on." Remus held up his hand. "James, Peter, I need to ask you to forgive me as well. I let myself lose control the other night, and I could have seriously hurt you. James, I did hurt you, and I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course." James and Peter said in unison.

A smile spread across Remus' face. "Thank you. And thank you for keeping me from killing Snape." he said, turning to James. "If you hadn't been there…" he shrugged.

"I'm just glad I made it there in time." James laughed. "Although it wouldn't have been terrible if I hadn't." He laughed as Remus opened his mouth to protest. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

The group laughed together, all tension gone for the first time in over a week. Their friendship had withstood the greatest trial so far, but once again, they had come through the fire to find their bonds growing stronger still. As for Remus and Sirius, they knew it might take a while for each to fully heal, but with time, they knew that it wouldn't take long to begin to trust again. They would never fail each other again.
All things "Harry Potter" belong to J.K. Rowling.
Chapter 1: [link]
© 2011 - 2024 OfTheFullMoon
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